The idea to begin this Podcast finally bloomed around two years ago after yet another long discussion between the crew over some Biblical opinions that needed refining. However, unbeknownst to us, the seeds for this Podcast had long been planted and watered throughout the years and over countless hours of Gospel conversations that more often then not led to more questions. What we couldn't see in the moment, was that God had been maturing and sanctifying us over the years through discussions, arguments, and conversations that often were worked out, re-worked out, and then eventually delivered to our Young Adults Group at church. Around two years ago, we paused, took a step back, and realized the growth we had experienced over conversations just like the one we were having. The birth of Encounter Podcast was simple, if we were growing from such conversations, maybe others could as well.
At Encounter Podcast our mission is simple: we aim to encounter Christ, Culture, and Community. In doing so, we always attempt to never let the latter effect our view of the former. Our main purpose of these conversations has always been to look at our culture and community through the lens of Christ and never the other way around. Most of our conversations and discussions are our attempt to refine us when we have these lenses out of order. We pray and hope that you can grow along with us as we journey through interesting testimonies from our guests, difficult topics within Scripture, and the abounding grace of Jesus our Messiah! We hold Scripture as our absolute authority and Jesus as our perfect standard; so if you hear anything that contradicts that statement it is your responsibility as a believer to hold us accountable to God's word! If you would like to contact us click the link below!