Throughout our episodes, among referencing many books we have read, we also mention many articles, websites, guest's churches, blogs, personal accounts, and other resources that we hope benefit you to the same degree they have benefited us!
Mentioned in many of our episodes, The Bible Project is a great resource to watch videos, listen to podcasts, take classes, read blogs, and discover many truths about the Bible that are simplified for the regular reader.
As mentioned in Ep#56 The Great Commission w/ Josh Lawrence, John Fleming and Rich Pennisi, Calvary Chapel Bangor is a bible believing church in Bangor, Maine and a great place to get plugged into if you are local to the area.
Many of our guests and friends are proud members of Calvary Chapel Gloucester County. CCGC is a bible believing church on Rt. 42 in Turnersville, NJ. CCGC is led by Pastor Gary Clark and has been mentioned in several episodes (52,38,18,14).
From Ep#56 The Great Commission w/ Josh Lawrence, John Fleming, and Rich Pennisi, CCP is a bible believing church Pastored by Joe Focht in the greater Philadelphia area. If you are local to the area or visiting, CCP is a great church for you and your family!
As mentioned in Ep#14 Homeless Not Hopeless w/ Zach Green, CCGC offers an Addiction's Ministry for those struggling to get a handle on a certain vice in their life. This ministry is led by Zach Green who knows first hand how painstaking the struggle truly is.
Discussed in Ep#13 Can You Defend Your Faith?, J. Warner Wallace is a cold case detective and Christian apologist that hosts an outstanding website that offers you many free resources to learn how to defend your faith!
Ran by Chuck and Christine Thornley, the Crisis Pregnancy Services are a great resource for women. In Ep#25 Abortion: From Womb to Tomb w/ Chuck and Christine Thornley, the ins and outs of this ministry and its great works are throughly explained!
As mentioned in Ep#50 Christ in Kenya w/ Paul Cowley,Disciples Support Ministries is a discipleship ministry focused on training, encouraging and equipping pastors, ministry leaders and members of the Body of Christ in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya.
As referenced in Ep#39 What's Up With Israel w/ Catie Almacellas, Friends of Israel is a worldwide evangelical ministry proclaiming biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, while bringing physical and spiritual comfort to the Jewish people.
Happiest On My Homestead is an Instagram and YouTube account ran by Anieve Marks where she catalogs her adventures of gardening and cooking!
As mentioned in Ep#38 Special Needs w/ Pat Demitrio, Night to Shine is a once a year prom party for our special needs friends at Friends for Life.
Mentioned in Ep#55 Hospital for the Broken w/ Anieve Marks, the Saline Process is a resource that began for Christian nurses that provides great insight into how to discuss your faith with patients in an approachable, respectable, and non invasive manner.
As mentioned in Ep#49 Christlike Compassion w/ Jeff Brower and Ep#25 Abortion: From Womb to Tomb w/ Chuck Thornley, Wellspring is a bible believing church that was a daughter church of CC Hammonton and it is a great church for you and your family!
Blue Letter Bible is a website and app that provides powerful tools for an in-depth study of God's Word through their free online reference library, with study tools that are grounded in the historical, conservative Christian faith.
In Ep#56 The Great Commission w/ Josh Lawrence, John Fleming, and Rich Pennisi, Josh Lawrence, pastor of CCE, flushes out the details and trust that it took to follow God's calling to Africa and plant Calvary Chapel Eldoret 12 years ago!
Pastored by Vince Lombardo, CC Hammonton is the home church to the Encounter Team themselves. CC Hammonton is a bible believing church in Hammonton, NJ with many midweek ministries for you and your family!
Mentioned in Ep#56 The Great Commission w/ Josh Lawrence, John Fleming, and Rich Pennisi, Calvary Residential Discipleship program trains men with life controlling problems who are determined to overcome their bondage.
Referenced on many occasions throughout the podcast, The Chosen is a show that depicts the culture, time period, tension, and lifestyle of ancient Palestinian Jews and what it might have been like for the twelve disciples and their families! The Chosen is a great show to see the Bible come alive!
As mentioned in Ep#52 Getting Schooled w/ Josiah Clark, Cornerstone Christian Academy is a new private Christian school opening in September 2022, spearheaded by Calvary Chapel Gloucester County.
As mentioned in Ep#13 Can You Defend Your Faith?, Frank Turek is an outstanding apologist who offers many free resources on his website to learn how to defend your faith!
Ran by Pat Demitrio, Friends for Life is a ministry out of CCGC that cares for and assists our brothers and sisters in Christ that are Special Needs.
Great Commission Ministries, mentioned in Ep#56 The Great Commission, is a Mission organization that seeks to help children who need food, shelter, clothing and education while keeping the focus on the Gospel and Discipleship through local Churches in East Africa!
In Ep#56 The Great Commission w/ Josh Lawrence, John Fleming, and Rich Pennisi, you got to hear from Josh Lawrence about his church planting and pastoring in Eldoret, Kenya.
The Pilgrim Academy exists to give each of its students a strong college-preparatory liberal arts education within the context of a Christian world and life view.
Mentioned in Ep#55 Hospital for the Broken w/ Anieve Marks, the Saline Witness Training, allows nurses and other healthcare professionals to actually complete a course that is aimed at making you a bolder believer in your work field.