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Dan McAnney

Episode #61 Do You Actually Have Joy?

"We can all say we have faith until we need faith. We don't know if we have faith until we need something that we can't see. We don't know if we love until we have an opportunity to sacrifice for someone. It takes the living it out to actually know what's real and what's not."

Chuck Thornley

Episode #59 Roe V Wade 

"Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were in a foreign land that was ungodly and they said, 'we will not compromise in what we know God wants from us, but we will still be the best citizens of this place that we can, while we never give up on our morals.' What they don't say is 'That's it we're overthrowing the government.'"

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Rich Pennisi

Episode #56 The Great Commission

"There’s a culture of ascension and we see a difference and have a different definition of proper ascension. The world sees opportunity to elevate and ascend themselves individually. As believers we are in a much different position where there is One who ascended and He’s our life’s purpose and belief."

John Fleming

Episode #56 The Great Commission

"When it comes to addiction's ministries you're either in ministry or you're incarcerated. You're either doing something for the Lord or you're doing something for yourself."


Josh Lawrence

Episode #56 The Great Commission

"Your heart can't be empty. It has to be filled with something. So if whatever you desire that is evil is greater than that of Christ then that desire will always be a part of your life. If your desire for Christ is greater than the wicked desires you have, those desires become more easily conquerable."

Anieve Marks

Episode #55 Hospital for the Broken

"It's funny that you learn about the Saline Process overseas. Here, in America, we tend to mute the idea of God and any talk about it is taboo." 


Sofia Ramirez

Episode #54 Most Misquoted Verses

"The accumulation of anything is selfish. If you're reading Scripture to accrue knowledge and doing nothing with it, you're going against every calling that we have from the Lord. It's just as bad as you building another barn to put the rest of your crops in."

Lt. Mia Boone

Episode #53 The Police, Christ, and Our Mission

"Nowadays, if I do something wrong, it's not just 'Oh Boone did something wrong', it's now my whole department did something wrong. The department two or three cities over did something wrong because they don't just say this officer did something wrong but officers all over the country are now wrong." 

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Josiah Clarke

Episode #52 Getting Schooled

"I heard one pastor put it this way...'If you send your kids to Caesar, don't be surprised when they act like the Romans. If you send your kids to Babylon, don't be surprised when they act like the Babylonians.'"

Josh Cummings

Episode #51 TV,Disney, & Hollywood

"There has never been this much access to unclean things in the media and even the world."

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Paul Cowley

Episode #50 Christ in Kenya

"Approximately 80% of the pastors that come into our discipleship program are not born again. They worship a different Jesus and a different Gospel. Our first mission is always to get the pastor saved. It's easier to work with an unbeliever than it is to work with somebody who has a false gospel."

Pastor Jeff Brower

Episode #49 Christlike Compassion

"I have to safeguard my heart and remind myself to not take things too personally. I have to constantly remind myself that my congregation is filled with the Lord's people and not my own."

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Charlie Baehner

Episode #44 Biblical Discipline

"I was just in the prisons for the Gospel's sake and I can't get it out of my head. As you look at those men, who did some pretty vile stuff, the power of Jesus' transformation in their lives is mind boggling. It's the grace of Christ."

Pastor Anthony Parise

Episode #41 Unity in Christ's Name

"As a Pastor you have to try to live in the place where you're trusting Jesus when he said 'He will build his church'."

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Catie Almacellas

Episode #39 What's Up With Israel?

"The media always tends to hype situations up or how else would they get people to watch the news. The same thing happens with the Israeli - Palestinian situation. I've never felt safer than during my time spent in Israel."

Pasquale Demitrio

Episode #38 Special Needs Ministries

"What makes our special needs friends so happy is that they are not weighed down by the things of this world that we seek. They are innocent above all and that you can't help but think of the Lord when you're with them."

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Craig Hobbins

Episode #37 Anxious? Us Too!

"Anxiety comes from fear, and most of the time it's a fear of failure to meet a standard that we ourselves set as humans. When you take a step back and look at it through that lens you can kind of see how arrogant it sometimes is."

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Ally Zito

Episode #36 Cults and Church Abuse

"I was so brainwashed from my old church that I almost couldn't meet with my new pastor and his wife to marry my husband. I told them how nervous I was to be there and that I thought they were going to judge me for sins I committed and ask me personal questions, and all they said was how happy they were for us."

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Jacob Berge

Episode #35 Home Defense for Christians

"Social media and the news not only sell fear but they promote it. If you want to sum up our last two to three years in one news headline it would be 'Be Afraid: Never Leave Your Front Door Step'"

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Carl Schubert

Episode #34 From Drugs to Jesus

"When I was quitting drugs I couldn't let go of everything, I always kept secrets hidden in my back pocket. Submit everything to God because what you're hiding He knows of."

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Brady Montag

Episode #32 Why Kids Keep Leaving The Church

"Kids need to see transparency in their leaders. They should never think we are perfect and then be confused when they find out we're not."

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"Big Al" Szolack

Episode #26 Ex-Pro Basketball Player Al Szolack

"Don't be afraid to go searching for a bible preaching church you like. People do it with restaurants all the time. You find a place you like, but you keep on going."


Chuck Thornley

Episode #25 From the Womb to the Tomb

"Unfortunately, we as Christians have to accept and own up to the fact that the church has not always done what it needs to do in this area. We have not handled these situations in the most kind and gracious way."

Pastor Ed Seponosky

Episode #23 The Entire Gospel

"Most people in most churches attend church with the mindset, 'what does the church have to offer me' when the biblical mindset should be 'what do I have to offer the church'."


Dianne Lombardo

Episode #22 True Christian Feminism

"Frankly, what good is it to memorize a book that never impacts your life. If you are not allowing to change your life then you are looking for head knowledge, and knowledge puffs up. The Spirit wants to teach us how it changes our lives."

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Dr. Ken Irvis

Episode #19 Should Christians Get Vaccinated?

"People have a biblical ignorance and a man centered existence, where they say, 'man is the measure of everything.' And that works until you're about to die. But it's not about the philosophy you can live with, it's about the philosophy you can die with."


Patrick Toner

Episode #18 Are You In A Cult?

"When you add to the Word of God it becomes a cult. When you take away from the Word of God it becomes theological liberalism, which then becomes a cult."

Keith Kendricks

Episode #17 Does Science Conflict With The Bible?

"It's possible that I could be wrong about Christianity. It's 'technically' possible. But I would weigh the evidence. It's the arguments and evidence that lead me to Christ."


John Nally

Episode #16 The Persecuted Church & The Church

in America

"We're not great at hosting foreigners. Statistics show that foreign students in college rarely, if ever, get invited into American homes. There was more hospitality in China than there is in America."

Emily Nally

Episode #16 The Persecuted Church & The Church

in America

"You want people to worship in a way that they are so on fire that they they have to share it once they leave the church."


Caleb Eller

Episode #15 New Church, Red Flags

"We need to be comfortable being uncomfortable. When you become convicted on how you do things, what are you going to do? Are you willing to work on it?"

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Zach Green

Episode #14 Homeless Not Hopeless

"When it comes to the Gospel, we're not trying to sell it, we're trying to tell it."


Ru Breau

Episode #11 Do You Worship Biblically?

"I love that in the Old Testament the praise team was the first to go into battle, they were in the front. The power of praise is our warfare."

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Vince Lombardo

Episode #11 Do You Worship Biblically?

"Sometimes you forget that you're a slave to your own sin in a good environment."

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Tori Hacking

Episode #10 Public School vs. Christian School

vs. Private School

"I think the recent breakdown of the nuclear family has had a huge impact in what you see in Christian schools today."

Jennifer Brittin

Episode #10 Public School vs. Christian School

vs. Private School

"All parents need to teach their kids God's word with a sense of urgency, whether they go to Christian or public school because anywhere can be a battlefield."

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Angelica Ortiz

Episode #9 Missions Home and Abroad

"Sit at the table with people that are different from you. If I know what I know, and I learn what you know, now I know more."

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Elizabeth Shendock

Episode #6 The Female Perspective on Dating and Marriage

"Never change who you are. God made you the way you're supposed to be and the right person will love every single part of you."


Allison Preim

Episode #6 The Female Perspective on Dating and Marriage

"Marriage is not a walk in the park. You have to fight everyday to make time for your significant other and to remember the order of your priorities."

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Pastor Vince Lombardo

Episode #5 Insights w/ Pastor Vince Lombardo

"The anemic state of the church in America will be addressed by God. God wants us to grow up and step out, and as times get harder, believers will either step out or shrink in."

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Published @2022 by Encounter Podcast

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